My primary research interest lies at the intersection of marine resource economics. Specifically, how information provision and individual preferences and perceptions relate to emerging marine resource issues, including demand-driven conservation, renewable energy development, and recreational fishing. I apply concepts and methods from behavioral and experimental economics to conduct my research, including lab and lab-in-the-field experiments. To date, I have managed nearly 4,000 experimental participants during lab, lab-in-the-field, and online economic experiments. My training in social science has enabled me to contribute to a number of transdisciplinary projects investigating important marine resource conservation and management topics.
Select Research and Publications
Peer-reviewed publications
Weir, Michael J., Hirotsugu Uchida, and Maya Vadiveloo, “Quantifying the Effect of Market Information on Demand for
Genetically Modified Seafood” Aquaculture Economics and Management 25(1).
Corey Lang, Michael J. Weir, Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz. 2021 “Status Quo Bias and Public Policy: Evidence in the Context of Carbon
Mitigation” Environmental Research Letters.
Halpern, Benjamin S., Jason Maier, Heather J. Lahr, Gordon Blasco, Christopher Costello, Richard S. Cottrell, Olivier Deschenes, Danielle
M. Ferraro, Halley E. Froehlich, Gavin G. McDonald, Katherine D. Millage, Michael J. Weir. 2021. “The long and narrow path for novel cell-based seafood to reduce fishing pressure for marine ecosystem recovery.” Fish and Fisheries.
Weir, Michael J., Catherine M. Ashcraft, Natallia Leuchanka Diessner, Emily Vogler, Bridie McGreavy, and Todd Guilfoos. 2020.
“Language Effects on Bargaining.” PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229501.
Dalton, Tracey, Michael J. Weir, Aislyne Calianos, Nelle D'Aversa, Julia Livermore. 2020. “Recreational boaters’ preferences for
boating trips associated with offshore wind farms in US waters” Marine Policy 122.
Research in Progress
Maier, Jason*, Michael J. Weir*, Christopher Costello, Andrew Plantinga, and Martin Quaas, “Demand driven Conservation”
*Denotes co-first authorship
Mazzocco, Vivianne, Hirotsugu Uchida, Michael J. Weir, and David Bidwell, “Risky Business: Can Oyster Farmers Defend Themselves
Against Foodborne Illness related Demand Shocks?” Under Revision: Marine Resource Economics